International Cooperation
Agence du Court Métrage
The French short film agency, Agence du Court Métrage (ACM), with its office in Paris served as a model for the founding of the KFA in 1992. In particular, the agency’s short film subscription system (called RADI) set an example for KFA’s Kurzfilm Verleih. ACM’s distribution department regularly acquires short films from KFA’s distribution programme. The KFA and ACM also regularly exchange information in connection with short film licence trading.
Short Circuit
In addition, KFA Director Alexandra Gramatke is a founding member and board member of the European Network of Short Film & Video Art Distributors, Short Circuit.
International Short Film Conference
The International Short Film Conference (ISFC) is the worldwide merger of all institutions and organisations that deal with the distribution of short films. The ISFC has been in existance since 1970 and meets once a year for an exchange of information within the framework of the Festival du Court-Métrage in Clermont-Ferrand.